It has been a good while since I’ve provided any commentary on Apple. The last time I wrote about them was within a year of Steve Jobs’ death. At the time, I predicted that Apple would lose its shine. It...
As a technology professional, I’ve had my fair share of jobs over the years…most at different companies. Consequently, I’ve had a heck of a lot more interviews. I’ve noted some common themes, and groupings, throughout this time. I’ve also hired...
Full disclosure first: I would be remiss to not state that I have a very strong bias that I am hoping to largely control in this article. But this is my opinionated section. 🙂 I am 100% against displacing workers....
What?! Enterprise Resource Planning systems. That’s the WIKIPEDIA expansion of the ERP acronym. For those who haven’t worked with these solutions (really, systems is a bit of an oversimplification), it may look like it’s a pretty simple thing. But like...